Podcasts I’m listening to: July 2016 edition

Until recently, the only two podcasts I listened to were the Tim Ferriss podcast and Zen Founders podcast by Rob and Sherry Walling.

Tim’s interviews are top notch and I’ve learned a lot from them, but I’ve been listening to it less and less as time goes on. I think a big part of that is that I often finish listening to an interview and wind up with this feeling like I’m not doing enough with my life. For example, Tim recommends using the question “Am I working on something that I’ll be remembered for in 200 years?” to guide your efforts – not because being remembered is the goal, but because if you’re working on something at that scale that it’s probably going to be something really important. Maybe it’s because of the arrival of my daughter a few months ago, but I find myself caring less about professional ambition and more about family ambition.

Which brings me to Zen Founders, a podcast about building startups and balancing that with your family. I don’t have any plans to start another startup, but the discussions really resonate with me and Rob and Sherry are doing a huge service to the founder community through the podcast.

There are two other podcasts I recently started to listen to as well:

Revisionist History by Malcom Gladwell. I’ve listened to all of Gladwell’s books and am a huge fan of his writing. If you like the kind of insightful storytelling that he’s so well known for, definitely check out this podcast. The episode titled The Big Man Can’t Shoot and the the three-part series on higher education in America are great places to start. I learned about this podcast though Tim’s recent interview with Malcom.

Exponent by Ben Thompson and James Allworth where the two of them discuss Ben’s writing on Stratechery, a blog about how tech, society, and how the internet is fundamentally changing how the world works. The podcast and Stratechery will give you a new lens to understand what’s happening in the tech world. Highly recommended.

Any recommendations for other podcasts to check out?

4 thoughts on “Podcasts I’m listening to: July 2016 edition

    1. Just listened to his episode “Disengaging the Lizard Brain” and really enjoyed it. Maybe all of the episodes aren’t like that one, but I appreciated that he spent a lot of time explaining *how* he thinks about the current situation, not just *what* he thinks about it. Gonna check out his Hardcore History as well, I’ve heard lots of people mention that one too.

      1. Most of his episodes are like that, which is why I like it so much. Haven’t been able to dedicate the time to Hardcore History. Those are LONG!

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